Friday, August 19, 2016

"Democracy in America," by Alexis de Tocqueville

This is a fairly famous book, but I only just discovered it while looking in the American History section for Zinn's "A People's History of the United States" which I did find, and was subsequently disappointed by. (I can just listen to Democracy Now! if I want to dwell in the depth's of negativity about American History).
This was written by a French dude in the 1830's after he traveled around in America. I found the full text of the preface here.

The Author's intro to this book might very well be the best part, since I am well into the third chapter now and have been less frequently impressed:

In running over the pages of our history, we shall scarcely find a single great event of the last seven hundred years that has not promoted equality of condition.
The Crusades and the English wars decimated the nobles and divided their possessions: the municipal corporations introduced democratic liberty into the bosom of feudal monarchy; the invention of firearms equalized the vassel and the noble on the field of battle; the art of printing opened the same resources to the minds of all classes; the post brought knowledge a like to the door of the cottage and to the gate of the palace; and Protestantism proclaimed that all men are equally able to find Heaven. The discovery of America opened a thousand new paths to fortune and led obscure adventurers to wealth and power. (Page 6).

Naturally I was shocked by his take on the Crusades and firearms. Today this reads like some great Christian propaganda, but I think back then, this just shows how certain parts of history were explained to the curious Christian, which there were very few of. I suppose I don't have to point out that serfs could scarcely have land to grow food, much less obtain the latest in weapon technology to overthrow their lords.

Another interesting part of the preface, here he is sort of picturing an outcome of democracy, and it really reminds me of Partfit's 'z' population outcome in which everyone only has potatoes and muzak, but the overall utility is highest. I will include the preceding paragraph though, because it is probably one of the more famous parts of this book (or seems like it should be, hell if I know).

I can conceive of a society in which all men would feel an equal love and respect for the laws of which they consider themselves the authors; in which the authority of the government would be respected as necessary, and not divine; and in which the loyalty of the subject to the chief magistrate would not be a passion, but a quiet and rational persuasion. With every individual in the possession of rights which he is sure to retain, a kind of manly confidence and reciprocal courtesy would arise between all classes, removed alike from pride and servility. The people, well acquainted with their own true interests, would understand that, in order to profit from the advantages of the state, it is necessary to satisfy its requirements. The voluntary association of the citizens might then take the place of the individual authority of the nobles, and the community would be protected from tyranny and license.
I admit that, in a democratic state thus constituted, society would not be stationary. But the impulses of the social body might there be regulated and made progressive. If there were less splendor than in an aristocracy, misery would also be less prevalent; the pleasures of enjoyment might be less excessive, but those of comfort would be more general; the sciences might be less perfectly cultivated, but ignorance would be less common; the ardor of the feelings would be constrained, and the habits of the nation softened; there would be more vices and fewer crimes.
In the absence of enthusiasm and ardent faith, great sacrifices may be obtained from the members of a commonwealth by an appeal to their understanding and their experience; each individual will feel the same necessity of union with his fellows to protect his own weakness; and as he knows that he can obtain their help only on condition of helping them, he will readily perceive that his personal interest is identified with the interests of the whole community. The nation, taken as a whole, will be less brilliant, less glorious, and perhaps less strong; but the majority of the citizens will enjoy a greater degree of prosperity, and the people will remain peaceable, not because they despair of a change for the better, but because they are conscious that they are well off already
If all the consequences of this state of things were not good or useful, society would at least have appropriated all such as were useful and good; and having once and forever renounced the social advantages of aristocracy, mankind would enter into possession of all the benefits that democracy can offer.

So I think it is evident, the ideal he writes of is one of a great moderation. Through my travels to northern Europe I have seen this kind of moderation. There is class, there is some income inequality, but does not separate people from one another the way it might in the US.

Another one of my fav's from this part:
"The poor man retains the prejudices of his forefathers without their faith, and their ignorance without their virtues; he has adopted the doctrine of self-interest as the rule of his actions without understanding the science that puts it to use; and his selfishness is no less blind than was formerly his devotion to others."

I like this definition of "poor." It descibes to me the essence of what it might be to truly be poor, apart from one's income or relationship with material possessions.

Okay, and then there is my actual favorite part, especially that last paragraph.

There are virtuous and peaceful individuals whose pure morality, quiet habits, opulence, and talents fit them to be the leaders of their fellow men. Their love of country is sincere, and they are ready to make the greatest sacrifices for its welfare. But civilization often finds them among its opponents; they confound its abuses with its benefits, and the idea of evil is inseparable in their minds from that of novelty. . Near these I find others whose object is to materialize mankind, to hit upon what is expedient without heeding what is just, to acquire knowledge without faith, and prosperity apart from virtue; claiming to be the champions of modern civilization, they place themselves arrogantly at its head, usurping a place which is abandoned to them, and of which they are wholly unworthy.
Where are we, then?
The religionists are the enemies of liberty, and the friends of liberty attack religion; the high-minded and the noble advocate bondage, and the meanest and most servile preach independence; honest and enlightened citizens are opposed to all progress, while men without patriotism and without principle put themselves forward as the apostles of civilization and intelligence.

This seems to be utterly true of our current America. So could one be a spiritual proponent of liberty that adopts the enlightened parts of all religions; agree with the compassion of socialism and the pragmatism of libertarianism; maintain that honesty is constantly reaccepting the fluidity of all things; and that there is a form of modest patriotism in which a country may be merely celebrating their own unity?

Sunday, June 12, 2016

“2:02am June 12 2016”

Twenty-four hours ago

one by one
hypovolemic shock
or maybe intracerebral hemorrhage

boots and cats and
boots and cats and

boot heels catch
cell screens and tight jeans slide away,


Please, no donations
with that kind of intonation,
blood is for taking—
viruses and bullets
protecting vileness
with religion and guns

but Love
is not the God that wars

and yet she surely penetrates
to our meaten core, 
So morose is the man who has not met Her
hailing from where, it does not matter
Pulseless, hate cannot protonate

yet Love will aways be
even if all the humans leave
even if the sun should burst,
there will even be Love on a planet cursed,
and Love on other planets too,
between biological beings no one (k)new

Love is a chorus without a score
 warbling regardless
of any war.

To Love
or to loathe,
To sing
or to seethe
within almost every moment
We choose our heralds
and our peeves.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

A Dozen Years in Boulder

This autobiographical piece placed first Winter 2015 Shakti Yogi Journal writing contest and was published in the winter issue.

“A Dozen Years in Boulder” by Blake Stone

It’s 2003; I’m nineteen and at my great-grandfather’s hundredth birthday party in the “Brown House,” a farm he started with his father in the twenties. “You’re awfully social today” my grandmother tells me smiling and obviously pleased with my new friendly behavior. I had just come from snorting a bump of crystal meth off the top of the antique toilet in the dirty little bathroom that still has two faucets on the sink, one for cold water, the other for hot. I had lived in this house between the ages of three and five, and the two-story creaky hand-built structure still appears in my dreams thirty years later. I don’t remember much about that day, only that I talked to everyone, which was very unusual for me. Being a third generation only- child meant that all my relatives were at least thirty years older than me, if not several decades. My family was very small and very old; most of them are now dead. I have a cousin on my father’s side, but our families didn’t do holidays together. I do remember that at some point during the birthday gathering, Pa, my great-grandfather, stood up and recited from memory one-hundred verses of “Leaves of Grass” by Whitman. We were all very impressed but not surprised. My great-grandparents were some of the first people to go all the way through school and become college educated in that region of southern Tennessee.

Like most of my recent ancestors for the past two-hundred years or so, I was born and raised in the rolling alfalfa fields of Tennessee.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

New Poetry**** 2014-2015

It's time! I write a lot of poetry! Most of it doesn't make it here, but over the past year or so I've been refining a few of these and now they are ready to share. Themes include: Blood, Death, lesbian love, lots of moons, names, and Springs.  I think I've been most impressed lately by these subjects, particularly the death/beginning cycles.
 Different poems are separated by a "---" in case it isn't obvious.
Please enjoy.

"To light a candle is to cast a shadow."
-Ursula Le Guin

"Catalyst" Artist: Minako Ota 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

First Installment of "All About the House," a pronoun experiment.

***Old Version, Incomplete***

I did not come up with the pronouns myself; I used the following chart from here.

Nominative (subject)
Objective (object)
Possessive determiner
Possessive Pronoun
Traditional pronouns
He laughed
I called him
His eyes gleam
That is his
He likeshimself
She laughed
I called her
Her eyes gleam
That is hers
She likesherself
It laughed
I called it
Its eyes gleam
That is its
It likes
They laughed
I calledthem
Their eyes gleam
That is theirs
They likethemselves
Invented pronouns
Ne laughed
I called nem
Nir eyes gleam
That is nirs
Ne likesnemself
Ve laughed
I called ver
Vis eyes gleam
That is vis
Ve likesverself
Ey laughed
I called em
Eir eyes gleam
That is eirs
Ey likes
Ze (or zie) and hir
Ze laughed
I called hir
Hir eyes gleam
That is hirs
Ze likeshirself
Ze (or zie) and zir
Ze laughed
I called zir
Zir eyes gleam
That is zirs
Ze likes zirself
Xe laughed
I called xem
Xyr eyes gleam
That is xyrs
Xe likesxemself

Chapter I. Pussy Land

Little by little, Mobius the cat is slipping off the table. Mobius has the good fortune of trees and a backyard, humans who give nem food and water, and a fleece blanket on the queen size bed of nir Mistress.  Ne has an affinity for food, often sprawling nemself across half the table as someone eats dinner. Somehow ne gets away with this because ne is both adorable and well behaved enough that most people don’t mind sitting with a plate full of food as ne stares and purrs with all the reverence of a devout follower in the presence of nir leader. Presently ne has draped nemself on the rounded edge of the dining room table just in case food happens. Nir tail twitches and nir whiskers flinch, quickened by the bird in the dream ne dreams. As ne twitches and chases more in the dream, nir oversized but elegant Siamese body begins to shift nir way onto the floor.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

"The Moon Also Rises"

[Update: this poem was recently published by Elephant Journal here sans linkage.]
“The Moon Also Rises"

[Note: the links in this poem are not spam but well researched articles that add context to what I am referring to (yay education!) Some of the links add another dimension to the poem, but please do not take any of the links too literally; yes, they are specific instances of what I am referring to, but the great thing about poetry is that it is figurative. If a phrase brings to mind something for you, hold on to that, don't let the links interfere with your interpretation (unless of course it is absurd). One of the awesome things about writing online is the ability to be exact while retaining creativity.]

Did you know

when planes of
dry earth
crash together
the friction

Did you know
of precipitations'
love affair
with air

All this praise
of the fire,
All this intimating

Did you know
I once met

Did you know
the Ice
bleeding frigidly
from humanities’
global phlebotomies
pooling towards the Arctic
told me

Her tributaries’
susurrating in my ear
just because she’s melting
doesn’t mean she’ll disappear

See her currents in our oceans
Her tides peel back long ferns of

the West thirsts
from her absence
as she consumes

waters surge
 the Moon Also Rises
   wielding her caduceus
we barely knew thee
flirted a couple times
but electromagnetism
caught the eye
the Strong
and the Weak

 your rain checks
and one day
you’ll be rich
 in holidays
Of Doomsdays
we can say so much
Disaster Capitalism
who doesn’t like a little
murder mystery
the British can’t resist
being masters
Though they feign desistence
Americans kill
more than
a people
a plural
of ecosystems
we purge
through an addiction
to piquant alliteration
to children is so easy.

Did you know
When You Shop
You Save
millions from existing

Did you know
the same millions
are building a black hole
in the pacific ocean
Out of the plastic bags
my aborted fetus
crept off
to do my bidding
in the other worlds
in other words

Did you know
You Are the Shepherd
 not Her bridegroom
and one of the Things
 Shepherds must
 Tend and Prune
 Thin and Consume

Did you know
the difference
and shepherding
is personal
is blood

Did you know
there are plants
that live in symbiotic
relationships with animals
including even the most murderous one
humans can help
by picking and eating
but growing and feeding
maybe we ought to rethink
what we’re telling the robots
to tell us what we’re doing
is beyond zeros and ones
Not Everything is Binary

Did you know
the age old
boundaries between
alive and dead
can be queered
into a better understanding
of what is really dyeing
and what is already

Did you know
ethics are not relative
and culture is
according to who wants to know
the anthropology of parasites

Did you know
as the moon appears to wane
and set on one hemisphere
the Moon Also Rises
in The Other
but In Truth
we wax
we wane

Much gratitude to D. and especially J. for your love and help in my education through our conversations and travels.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Love as opposed to Religion and Science for Tolstoy

One of my favorite authors wrote letters back and forth with Gandhi, eventually he published his "Letter To a Hindu" with a foreword from Gandhi as his blessing. This is part of that foreword, in which Gandhi is quoting Tolstoy:

“If we do not want the English in India we must pay the price. Tolstoy indicates it. 'Do not resist evil, but also do not yourselves participate in evil—in the violent deeds of the administration of the law courts, the collection of taxes and, what is more important, of the soldiers, and no one in the world will enslave you', passionately declares the sage of Yasnaya Polyana. Who can question the truth of what he says in the following: 'A commercial company enslaved a nation comprising two hundred millions. Tell this to a man free from superstition and he will fail to grasp what these words mean. What does it mean that thirty thousand people, not athletes, but rather weak and ordinary people, have enslaved two hundred millions of vigorous, clever, capable, freedom-loving people? Do not the figures make it clear that not the English, but the Indians, have enslaved themselves?”    

Excerpt From: Tolstoy, Leo. “A Letter to a Hindu.” 

Tolstoy was encouraging Indians to rise up and expel the Brits, and though his notions of Hinduism were somewhat elementary, the focus on refuting the justification for the perpetuation of the aristocracies is awesome and still applicable today. How do we end slavery now? When the human race has rid itself of this kind of brutal injustice, perhaps then we can say we've finally fully entered into an adulthood as a species. People don't like to talk about the human species these days, it seems exclusive and myopic, but what other species is changing the face of the planet so fast it's killing and altering that which has persisted for millions of years within a few decades? Which species is it that enslaves all other animals and its own for the wealth and comfort of a few? And which species can undo these injuries?
“When an individual passes from one period of life to another a time comes when he cannot go on in senseless activity and excitement as before, but has to understand that although he has outgrown what before used to direct him, this does not mean that he must live without any reasonable guidance, but rather that he must formulate for himself an understanding of life corresponding to his age, and having elucidated it must be guided by it. And in the same way a similar time must come in the growth and development of humanity. I believe that such a time has now arrived—not in the sense that it has come in the year 1908, but that the inherent contradiction of human life has now reached an extreme degree of tension: on the one side there is the consciousness of the beneficence of the law of love, and on the other the existing order of life which has for centuries occasioned an empty, anxious, restless, and troubled mode of life, conflicting as it does with the law of love and built on the use of violence.”

According to Tolstoy we have made our own rules and laws according to a very self-serving rationale. When he was alive people used science as justification for slavery and while the science behind racism has been dismantled now, slavery still persists through the avenues of business and consumerism, and restrictive gender roles, to list but two sources of oppression.
Tolstoy gives us a few reasons why we persist in this folly. The first is religion, the second is science--though I would argue his view of the sciences is limited to sophistry. The third reason is what he calls "the principle of coercion" which is present in almost all forms of government thus far.