Sunday, June 12, 2016

“2:02am June 12 2016”

Twenty-four hours ago

one by one
hypovolemic shock
or maybe intracerebral hemorrhage

boots and cats and
boots and cats and

boot heels catch
cell screens and tight jeans slide away,


Please, no donations
with that kind of intonation,
blood is for taking—
viruses and bullets
protecting vileness
with religion and guns

but Love
is not the God that wars

and yet she surely penetrates
to our meaten core, 
So morose is the man who has not met Her
hailing from where, it does not matter
Pulseless, hate cannot protonate

yet Love will aways be
even if all the humans leave
even if the sun should burst,
there will even be Love on a planet cursed,
and Love on other planets too,
between biological beings no one (k)new

Love is a chorus without a score
 warbling regardless
of any war.

To Love
or to loathe,
To sing
or to seethe
within almost every moment
We choose our heralds
and our peeves.