Tuesday, April 1, 2014

"The Moon Also Rises"


[Update: this poem was recently published by Elephant Journal here sans linkage.]
“The Moon Also Rises"

[Note: the links in this poem are not spam but well researched articles that add context to what I am referring to (yay education!) Some of the links add another dimension to the poem, but please do not take any of the links too literally; yes, they are specific instances of what I am referring to, but the great thing about poetry is that it is figurative. If a phrase brings to mind something for you, hold on to that, don't let the links interfere with your interpretation (unless of course it is absurd). One of the awesome things about writing online is the ability to be exact while retaining creativity.]

Did you know

when planes of
dry earth
crash together
the friction

Did you know
of precipitations'
love affair
with air

All this praise
of the fire,
All this intimating

Did you know
I once met

Did you know
the Ice
bleeding frigidly
from humanities’
global phlebotomies
pooling towards the Arctic
told me

Her tributaries’
susurrating in my ear
just because she’s melting
doesn’t mean she’ll disappear

See her currents in our oceans
Her tides peel back long ferns of

the West thirsts
from her absence
as she consumes

waters surge
 the Moon Also Rises
   wielding her caduceus
we barely knew thee
flirted a couple times
but electromagnetism
caught the eye
the Strong
and the Weak

 your rain checks
and one day
you’ll be rich
 in holidays
Of Doomsdays
we can say so much
Disaster Capitalism
who doesn’t like a little
murder mystery
the British can’t resist
being masters
Though they feign desistence
Americans kill
more than
a people
a plural
of ecosystems
we purge
through an addiction
to piquant alliteration
to children is so easy.

Did you know
When You Shop
You Save
millions from existing

Did you know
the same millions
are building a black hole
in the pacific ocean
Out of the plastic bags
my aborted fetus
crept off
to do my bidding
in the other worlds
in other words

Did you know
You Are the Shepherd
 not Her bridegroom
and one of the Things
 Shepherds must
 Tend and Prune
 Thin and Consume

Did you know
the difference
and shepherding
is personal
is blood

Did you know
there are plants
that live in symbiotic
relationships with animals
including even the most murderous one
humans can help
by picking and eating
but growing and feeding
maybe we ought to rethink
what we’re telling the robots
to tell us what we’re doing
is beyond zeros and ones
Not Everything is Binary

Did you know
the age old
boundaries between
alive and dead
can be queered
into a better understanding
of what is really dyeing
and what is already

Did you know
ethics are not relative
and culture is
according to who wants to know
the anthropology of parasites

Did you know
as the moon appears to wane
and set on one hemisphere
the Moon Also Rises
in The Other
but In Truth
we wax
we wane

Much gratitude to D. and especially J. for your love and help in my education through our conversations and travels.