Monday, June 24, 2019

I write stuff and sometimes it ends up here. What am I doing? Lately:

Currently, I am a Master's of Divinity candidate at one of the few Buddhist universities in the U.S.--Naropa University. 

Reading stuff: Last summer 2020 I read: (NO Buddhist texts! :)
"Irish Fairy Tales" by James Stephens--great read and listen on audible! Beautiful prose. "Norse Mythology" by Neil Gaiman--decent selection of the Norse myths written in a fun light style. I have a new appreciation for Loki. 

Books from the Old and New Testament: Job, Psalms, Song of Solomon, John--I've never read the Bible before and previous attempts ended quickly. The New Oxford Annotated Bible gave me a lot of context clues that I lacked. It was interesting only in that I've been hearing about these stories all my life and but just couldn't quite bring myself to read them. It was like finally watching Game of Thrones after listening to people talk about it for thirty years. Morbid, gory, terrible ending, bad character development, etc. But now I know. 

"The Morrigan: Meeting the Great Queens" by Morgan Daimler. A small but densely packed text exploring the Celtic myths involving the triple Goddess of war, death, prophecy, ravens, etc. Really loved this book for it's info and insight.

The Colorado State Constitution and a bunch of interesting history on classism, racism, and zoning laws in the U.S. and some court cases on occupancy laws over the years. It turns out the fight to live in a co-op or non-nuclear family/alternative household has been going on for decades and essentially has been squashed in various places over and over. As a person without family, not trying to procreate or even live with a lover (I prefer to live separately so far) and someone who likes living with others--well it's not the future yet. 

A bunch of other random texts that I can't remember. A lot of books on Boundaries, the tarot, part of War and Peace, part of a Celtic Mythology book, and a failed attempt at "Gravity's Rainbow," and some short stories by Carmen Machado.  

          I have three unpublished fictional short stories and a slew of poetry. If you would like to read them, publish them, give me money for them, please contact me. Unless you're creepy, then don't.

Published works:

Poetry: Rex Dies"
The Examined Life Journal
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
2018/19 Forthcoming Issue

Short Fiction: Tortoise Meta Stone"
Fugue: a journal of prose and poetry.
University of Idaho MFA Journal
2018 Winter print issue # 53

Non-Fiction: “A Dozen Years in Boulder”
Shakti Yoga Journal, 1st Place in Winter Writing Contest. 12/2014

Poetry: “The Moon Also Rises”
Elephant Journal, 4/2014

Non-Fiction Gender Fun: Ten Reasons You Should Try Cross-Dressing"
Elephant journal 3/2014

Philosophy: The Non-Identity Problem, Overpopulation and the Quality of Life" *
Accepted and Published, Fourth Annual Cross-disciplinary Consortium. 12/2011

Unpublished works:

~Most of the material on this blog.

Not on this Blog:

Short Fiction: The Misconception" is tale about a poly-amorous lesbian living communally who suddenly becomes pregnant by immaculate conception. Magical realism. 7K word count.

Short Fiction: Three of Swords" utilizes the pronoun "zhe/zir" for the main character to illustrate the metaphysical dimensions of being outside but bearing witness to perfunctory coupling and its predictable demise. This is a story about the inevitable tragedies of love and relationship. Philosophical Horror. 1500K word count.

Short Fiction: Found: A Trans-lation of an Animated World" is a three-chapter novella employing five different gender neutral pronouns. This is a world in which every living being is conscious and given a point of view, even moths, fleas, and fungi.

Poetry: Several titles, too many to name. This year's honorable mentions (because I spent months editing them): Moonfire" and Santa Barbara Rough Villanelle for the Death of my Father"