Showing posts with label [poetry]. Show all posts
Showing posts with label [poetry]. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Four Poems from 2016

Hey I wrote more poetry! (I don't really ever stop). This year I have been trying on more formal styles and rhythm. I probably stayed away from rhymes for so long because of the trope that poetry must rhyme--and let's face it, it's kind of out of vogue. But rhythm will never be out of vogue! and rhyme teaches some basic meters for it. While I do have a poem in an older post about the Orlando shooting, I have not written about anything political since and I'm not sure I will. I feel myself withdrawing a bit from that realm. I miss philosophy and in missing it I am loathe to turn my mind to the concrete things of what twit tweeted and shit oil all over ND. 

Our Boulder effigy for peeps who didn't journey to the illustrious BRC this year.  

Morbid, it may be 
to appreciate this kind of atrocity
praise the methodical undoing
that is an individual’s slow entombing

The mechanism is not known
of how a brain cell can atone
I have witnessed their minds unravel 
I have seen their how their memories travel
the once busy boulevard
of dinner routines 
now unpottty-training in
post dinner latrines 

We deliver an adoring smile 
to all the drooling germ infested children
but detest and ignore our adult infantile
leave them to wander locked halls, human pins

Have you ever spoke
to someone in a dream
while you yourself remained woke?
It would make you doubt things are as they seem

There is something to that plaque
that separates it from a mere plague
of general dementia, of any malaise vague
a progressive regress, a systematic attack.

This disease unmakes a man
like a maid unmakes a bed
and when the mattress is finally bare 
there’s nothing left there.


“The Gardener”

She came by Piety
at a thrift store.

She was looking for something,
row after row
of shelves
but all that junk,
with their forlorn miens
by the shadows 
they cast

As she passed through the isle of decor 
a figurine of a plump cherub 
woke from his tepid slumber on a yellow cloud
and putting down his golden harp, reached for her
sang her given name
  but not her true name
Cloyed, she stepped away
wandered towards the back

too awkward to fit on any shelf,
an old sturdy spade
leaned up against the back wall
forgotten there by a long gone employee

A solid handle,
cleaned of old earth, 
and straight edged
but for a couple dings
she had to hammer out

She took her home
She digs now.


“Before God”

Before gods’ honey,
batches of empty darkness
teethed invisibly in the shade

I say—
This is how we were (deliriously) made.

That Absence
 a Fertile dark heaping
to Her.

Diachronically outsourced 

From Pan to poly
From trinity to binary
from monotheistic infinities
to zero-sum game theory

Before those gods
Of ego and shame
There was love

Before Love
there were not one
to sing 
a hymn upon a Marionette’s string
“Consumerism Consumes”

Not all the words of love and light 
could mute the Warriors song or dance
 to persuade lovers or foes upon a glance:

Were purity a goat
And fright, a lamb
We'd call love, rubbish
and get on with our soft clams

Do not be fueled
by the flight of a white dove
If you are not fooled
by the plight of seekers
of not a spiritual trove
but materialist tinkers

We manifest nothing
when the sake is sour
capital, you know
begets false power

The keepers
of their houses
will tell you the truth:
higher square footage
lowers the ruth.

Sidewalks are inflexible
grainy with a bite
and yet I’d rather be kissing one

than rolling in spite.

“Thou Shall Eat Bugs”

when we are dying
after a long life
when the skin is not taut
all eumelanin gone from the hair,
the hair
gone from our
shallowed flesh corners

you will not care
if you ate bugs or not
when you were younger.

you will not ponder
on any decision
from yesterday
or today
or next week

you might not even remember 
if you had any children
or if they died
or who you married

You won’t remember
being insulted
at work
or why

but your body will remember
if you had enough protein

and your psyche will know
if you spoke to God
and She spoke back
to say Her words

“Eat bugs, they are for eating.”

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Re-Selecting the Poems of Mary Oliver . (Originally published on this blog in 2013)

Today I stood in the Poetry section of Boulder Bookstore, closed my eyes, and randomly selected a book from which I randomly selected a page. The book was The Selected Poems of Mary Oliver and the poems were magnificent. She seems to be still alive.
I bought the book; it was even used! I've had good luck with selecting poetry books this way, I've tried a more orderly approach (i.e. only select female poets, or only Ann Sexton,  or whichever title is the catchest; but I am always disappointed).
 The poem I read first was "Two Kinds of Deliverance." The title alone piqued my interest, the poem was appropriately about Spring:


Last night the geese came back,
slanting fast
from the blossom of the rising moon down
to the black pond. A muskrat
swimming in the twilight saw them and hurried

to the secret lodges to tell everyone
spring had come.

And so it had.
By morning when I went out
the last of the ice had disappeared, blackbirds
sang on the shores. Every year
the geese, returning,
do this, I don’t
know how.


The curtains opened and there was
an old man in a headdress of feathers,
leather leggings and a vest made
from the skin of some animal. He danced

in a kind of surly rapture, and the trees
in the fields far away
began to mutter and suck up their long roots.
Slowly they advanced until they stood
pressed to the schoolhouse windows.


I don’t know
lots of things but I know this: next year
when spring
flows over the starting point I’ll think I’m going to
drown in the shimmering miles of it and then
one or two birds will fly me over
the threshold.

As for the pain
of others, of course it tries to be
abstract, but then

there flares up out of a vanished wilderness, like fire,
still blistering: the wrinkled face
of an old Chippewa
smiling, hating us,
dancing for his life.

There is another poem titled "When Death Comes." I suppose it is everyone else's favorite as well, since it wasn't hard to find in full here.

When death comes
like the hungry bear in autumn
when death comes and takes all the bright coins from his purse

to buy me, and snaps his purse shut;
when death comes
like the measle-pox;

when death comes
like an iceberg between the shoulder blades,

I want to step through the door full of curiosity, wondering;
what is it going to be like, that cottage of darkness?

And therefore I look upon everything
as a brotherhood and a sisterhood,
and I look upon time as no more than an idea,
and I consider eternity as another possibility,

and I think of each life as a flower, as common
as a field daisy, and as singular,

and each name a comfortable music in the mouth
tending as all music does, toward silence,

and each body a lion of courage, and something
precious to the earth.

When it's over, I want to say: all my life
I was a bride married to amazement.
I was a bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.

When it's over, I don't want to wonder
if I have made of my life something particular, and real.
I don't want to find myself sighing and frightened
or full of argument.

I don't want to end up simply having visited this world.

I LOVE this poem. I am, however, not particularly curious about death. I don't really think anything unexpected will happen, aside from awestricken-ness of the eternal silence in that "cottage of darkness." I love how she thinks about time and eternality; I have written similar things, but much less eloquently.

Just for good measure, I will include another new favorite from Oliver, "Lightening":
The oaks shone
gaunt gold
on the lip
of the storm before
the wind rose,
the shapeless mouth
opened and began
its five-hour howl;
the lights
went out fast, branches
sidled over
the pitch of the roof, bounced
into the year
that grew black
within minutes, except
for the lightening - the landscape
bulging forth like a quick
lesson in creating, then
thudding away. Inside,
as always,
it was hard to tell
fear from excitement:
how sensual
the lightning’s
poured stroke! and still,
what a fire and a risk!
As always the body
wants to hide,
wants to flow toward it - strives
to balance while
fear shouts,
excitement shouts, back
and forth - each
bolt a burning river
tearing like escape through the dark

field of the other. 
  I won't say what it reminds me of, but I will say it's great she wrote this and that I have read it, so now I will not attempt to write some dribble trying to express the same sentiments.
There's one more of course, I like it for the personification of Lilies and their relationship to hummingbirds. Particularly "if I were a Lily/ I think I would wait all day / for the green face/ of the hummingbird/ to touch me."

Romanic, I guess.

Actually instead of quoting that one (you can read it here), There is Another.


You can
die for it --
an idea,
or the world. People

have done so,
their small bodies be bound

to the stake,
an unforgettable
fury of light. But

this morning,
climbing the familiar hills
in the familiar
fabric of dawn, I thought

of China,
and India
and Europe, and I thought
how the sun

for everyone just
so joyfully
as it rises

under the lashes
of my own eyes, and I thought
I am so many!
What is my name?

What is the name
of the deep breath I would take
over and over
for all of us? Call it

whatever you want, it is
happiness, it is another one
of the ways to enter

I could just quote the entire book.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

“2:02am June 12 2016”

Twenty-four hours ago

one by one
hypovolemic shock
or maybe intracerebral hemorrhage

boots and cats and
boots and cats and

boot heels catch
cell screens and tight jeans slide away,


Please, no donations
with that kind of intonation,
blood is for taking—
viruses and bullets
protecting vileness
with religion and guns

but Love
is not the God that wars

and yet she surely penetrates
to our meaten core, 
So morose is the man who has not met Her
hailing from where, it does not matter
Pulseless, hate cannot protonate

yet Love will aways be
even if all the humans leave
even if the sun should burst,
there will even be Love on a planet cursed,
and Love on other planets too,
between biological beings no one (k)new

Love is a chorus without a score
 warbling regardless
of any war.

To Love
or to loathe,
To sing
or to seethe
within almost every moment
We choose our heralds
and our peeves.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

New Poetry**** 2014-2015

It's time! I write a lot of poetry! Most of it doesn't make it here, but over the past year or so I've been refining a few of these and now they are ready to share. Themes include: Blood, Death, lesbian love, lots of moons, names, and Springs.  I think I've been most impressed lately by these subjects, particularly the death/beginning cycles.
 Different poems are separated by a "---" in case it isn't obvious.
Please enjoy.

"To light a candle is to cast a shadow."
-Ursula Le Guin

"Catalyst" Artist: Minako Ota 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

"The Moon Also Rises"

[Update: this poem was recently published by Elephant Journal here sans linkage.]
“The Moon Also Rises"

[Note: the links in this poem are not spam but well researched articles that add context to what I am referring to (yay education!) Some of the links add another dimension to the poem, but please do not take any of the links too literally; yes, they are specific instances of what I am referring to, but the great thing about poetry is that it is figurative. If a phrase brings to mind something for you, hold on to that, don't let the links interfere with your interpretation (unless of course it is absurd). One of the awesome things about writing online is the ability to be exact while retaining creativity.]

Did you know

when planes of
dry earth
crash together
the friction

Did you know
of precipitations'
love affair
with air

All this praise
of the fire,
All this intimating

Did you know
I once met

Did you know
the Ice
bleeding frigidly
from humanities’
global phlebotomies
pooling towards the Arctic
told me

Her tributaries’
susurrating in my ear
just because she’s melting
doesn’t mean she’ll disappear

See her currents in our oceans
Her tides peel back long ferns of

the West thirsts
from her absence
as she consumes

waters surge
 the Moon Also Rises
   wielding her caduceus
we barely knew thee
flirted a couple times
but electromagnetism
caught the eye
the Strong
and the Weak

 your rain checks
and one day
you’ll be rich
 in holidays
Of Doomsdays
we can say so much
Disaster Capitalism
who doesn’t like a little
murder mystery
the British can’t resist
being masters
Though they feign desistence
Americans kill
more than
a people
a plural
of ecosystems
we purge
through an addiction
to piquant alliteration
to children is so easy.

Did you know
When You Shop
You Save
millions from existing

Did you know
the same millions
are building a black hole
in the pacific ocean
Out of the plastic bags
my aborted fetus
crept off
to do my bidding
in the other worlds
in other words

Did you know
You Are the Shepherd
 not Her bridegroom
and one of the Things
 Shepherds must
 Tend and Prune
 Thin and Consume

Did you know
the difference
and shepherding
is personal
is blood

Did you know
there are plants
that live in symbiotic
relationships with animals
including even the most murderous one
humans can help
by picking and eating
but growing and feeding
maybe we ought to rethink
what we’re telling the robots
to tell us what we’re doing
is beyond zeros and ones
Not Everything is Binary

Did you know
the age old
boundaries between
alive and dead
can be queered
into a better understanding
of what is really dyeing
and what is already

Did you know
ethics are not relative
and culture is
according to who wants to know
the anthropology of parasites

Did you know
as the moon appears to wane
and set on one hemisphere
the Moon Also Rises
in The Other
but In Truth
we wax
we wane

Much gratitude to D. and especially J. for your love and help in my education through our conversations and travels.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


The image is from here, artist unknown.

that Posturing

the frame
only hangs
as aligned
as the stud
is stable     holds
the ultrasound
didn’t tell me
make or model

I was off
by some
that supple
cave wall

I took the difficulty
An Indication
to keep going
isn’t an invitation

“That’s what
She said”


At some point
Larks must land

and all the fantoms
will jump like water spiders
to slurp up her bones
in their ectoplasmic
feeding holes

as almost every
Already Synchronized

 for the ossein
which substantiates
the cacophonous echoes
of griping
through the generations
like the eggs and flour
in cake batter

One of my grandmothers
told me
just about every
son of a bitch
is better than two
Except for a few
and I like to think
 she meant
some of us
are just half

So I keep my eyes
on the road
never blinking
a strong handshake

right back
the head is stripped
but I have fifty more
I’ll have thousands
by day break
and there’s more coming
after that
I’ll just keep drilling
this concrete
until I bore
a hole
For the few
Larks to fly out

The limitations
of Platonic Ideals
An anchoring
of metaphysical trappings
and those larks
who fly through the hole
go down like rabbits
into another cave
ever convinced of this new bright reality
my other grandmother says
look and
There’s Always A Silver
and I says
I know
I Followed it Here.
and it's going through this wall.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Poems for Boulder, a growing collection...

"My Boulder"

Sometimes it’s enough
at any given time
on a mountain top
not so far 
from my doorstep
sits Another Quiet
meditates over me
along with the entirity 
of the city
blessed be the dirty ice 
on that flat precipice
against which no wind
of incredulous stares 
 and no atmosphere 
of political parsimony 
can tamper

Sometimes I’m that flesh steeple
just a kitty perching
blinking slowly at the sun
that never ceases
on my 

melts again and again
with me
under that orb 
we finally exhale
what the nation cannot
we breathe for them
not the smoke of a dank herb
but the freshness of a special 
consciousness and The Will to Power*
it is our great Privilege
it is our insubordinate
magnanimity is different from pity
it is our regard
Regardless and Supple

a 3D printer jerks less now

and the grass between the pebbles
in the labyrinth
behind the Boulder Public Library
Wears the mud now

 *Will to Power


"Goddess on 30th"

A goddess walks

among us in Boulder
I have met her but
thrice in two years.

I don’t know if she lives

in a home
or under a train track
bicycle path underpass

I don’t know if she speaks

very often
Her hair is like that of my grandmother’s
when she was near death
smoke white
and snow gray
down with a shredded pink bow
she dresses her age
for the very old become
so young
so fast these days
down 30th
in a matching tattered bridesmaid dress
from another era
pushing her shopping cart
full of her worldly treasures

like an avocado

her deep wrinkles
indicate a certain ripeness

She walks everywhere

She once handed me 1 crumpled dollar bill
and some change
for some decaf coffee.
I wanted to keep it
and put it in my own
grocery cart of secret
but I, a cashier
couldn’t risk such
superfluous superstitions

I don’t doubt

she time travels
because as I see her
moving as slowly
as a grouse crossing the road
she may well be going
faster than the speed of light
She may well
This is just a syllable experiment:

"Sunday at the Mystic Circus Farm"

2 Today

2 After
6 basking in the warm beams
7 of sunshine through the window

2 I walked

2 through grass
7 the gate of the mystic farm
8 six chickens teeter rapidly

3 To greet Me

3 Hungrily
8 from opposite end quibbling
9 the white ones bounce and squawk away

3 the speckled

3 gray as slate
9 hunching down, a chicken who knows love
10 signals for me to pet Her, I’m honored.

6 for to pet a chicken

5 may be no great feat
8 but it is a rare chicken who
5 despite a bird brain
4 clamors for love
"Freya's Villanelle"
Freya, a cat, a predator of the night
Leaping up the cabin ladder to see
There is no movement, only light

Though for a cat, power is height

Be it a person or a tree
Freya, a cat, a predator of the night

Caring only for range of sight

Crouching low, a focused chi
There is no movement, only light

Dreaming of a mole's plight

Real-ized, as a bee
Freya, a cat, a predator of the night

For a collection of might

Could it be that easy?
There  is no movement, only light

Then a flash of cat through the night

Silences the window thumps of a bee
Freya, a cat, a predator of the night
There is no movement, only light

Monday, October 28, 2013

Poetry 2004-present

Over the years I've written over a hundred poems. Most of them are too scandalous to post here, others are best performed vocally. The following are some poems I've written over the past 10 years, most of them are from when I was 20-25, but some are newer. They are dramatic, because as Nietzsche points out, tragedy is important. Exporing Dionysion end of things, I suppose, is my aim. 

"My yoga mat”
hungry, I
sitting on my yoga mat
know this will be a hard class
it’s like I came to class hungry
just to suffer
a little more
except I’m really just
and tired
of my thoughts
rolling around
bruising my insides
at least I have control
of one thing
kind of
more beautiful
one flower blooms
in this dark new moon
phase of my life
I might as well
my arms
slowly bulge
under tightening shirt sleeves
under faded jeans
my ass firms
as my tits shrink
and I need a shrink
because all my story boxes are full
and all those meditation Tricks
want me to pay up

just because you sort through your thoughts
and neatly label them
victim, villain, hero
and so on
and so there they are
and here I am
This feeling thing
breathing my empty nest
of thoughts dismissed
turns out
I just transgressed

but my stomach
still groans
and boxes are rattling
all those chains
they whisper
the name of
Some internet radio application
I hear my mother’s voice
when I speak
I see my mother’s face
in the mirror
and the faintest
seeps in
as I gasp
in disgust
at how
I gasp in disgust

so this class
will be hard
but nothing is really hard
no one can hurt me anymore
no one else could have stood more
alone, I survived
taught myself to thrive
again and again
a desolate
desperately lonely
Tennessee childhood
the suicidal teen years
my mother’s daily screams and jeers
the dressing
of my grandmother’s lifeless corpse
and the years of unpleasant dreams that followed
in which I am trapped again
and those lovers’ disappointments
seem ever so soft
through the slow release
of the pain I cling to

So Nothing is Really
Hard anymore
except those banished boxes
of broken notions
and demotions
except hearing them rattle tattle
on me and my dead
Mother, my real mother is dead
and I have to recreate all the good things she said
Except all the exceptions
I love grammar
I love the rules
I love flowing
my exquisite northern european Mutt
like Yeats
wrote his verses
measured, metered
aligned with the planets
I don’t have the lyrical
of the Irish
but no matter,
No Matter
What They Say
I can take my metaphysical
and sweep those
soft worries
and hard laughs
and self involved
into a magical vat
that separates them
by element
and cancels them

...and so on
my yoga mat
I know where my
Heel Is
at least i Know
Healing Is
Something out there
people do
on yoga mats
Many White People
care far too much
for things
I wouldn’t touch
with a ten-foot dildo
without compensation
perpetuating delusions
Of Love
"what is there
that can’t be?"
my yoga mat echoes
Back to me
and my breath
and my death
doesn’t concern me
nor does this class
or Her ass
or the picture perfect
Boulder class
of under harassed
and over privileged
I am a privileged
if only
because I have
my yoga mat;
and here and now
I don’t even need
my yoga mat
I don’t even need
to breathe
myself free
Nothing is Free
Is to
Something is Costly
Love is Goddess
is to
Love is Me.


When people tell me
they don’t do well alone
they’ve always been surrounded
by people
by conversation
by themselves

I don’t know what to say.

For years I haven’t said anything.

There is nothing I can say
except that we are never alone
and we are always alone

and if you need something
to keep your hands busy
then keeping them still
is your task

and if you are like me
and you don’t really want to talk to anybody
then breaking the silence
is our task

and if you need something
to slow the endless spinning
of the mind,
feed it raw experience instead
feed it yoga

because we know
we don’t need anything
to keep nothing
from arising.

I’ve never uttered
your name
but sometimes
When I look
to the stars
above I feel you
there under
those shining distant
with me
breath stays.

the seams
of the scene
barely interpretable
at best

we have the paddle
yet no boat
but we organize
ourselves to sea
floating only on faith

the sunrise

[the gift, the curse
or the daily surprise
put on the shelf
behind the highrise]

was it the wind
that whirled
men into starch
women into animal products
whirled They
up in this
with assholes
so tight.
A Bronze Bull.
Dear Mohammad,
Dear Jesus,
Dear Abraham,
Dear bringers of "salvation"

I forgive you
and all who bear
your name

tortured, killed, and maimed
millions of women
millions of innocents
you have
My forgiveness.

written lies
used deceit, oppression, and force
in the name of the divine
I forgive you.

and who am I
and who am I
who cannot be represented
through image

The Goddess,
murdered and silenced
censored and shamed
denied and debunked
arises still
no need for a resurrection
no need for consecrations
no need for prophets
no need for extensive documents
on the regulation of human behavior
no need for hundred’s of years of
men's commentary
on sacrifice
no need to drink imaginary blood
no need to deny sanctity
To all real blood

You are forgiven
for thousands of years
of having forgotten
there is no sin
that Love will not wash away
that compassion will not stir into dust
that forgiveness is a must.

The mystic knows,
what the psychic tells
will always be more telling
of the psychic.

A cat
expressing utter delight
with one slow blink.
A tree is moved
by wind
and time
an uninterpretable entity
at constant flow

Like light or love
a cycle
to massive
to microscopic
to observe.
“The Parking Garage”

My maternal biological grandfather
was a homeless man
living in shelters
under bridges
in parks
for more than 15 years.

Every Christmas
my mother and I
in a blind search for our blood
trekked old town Knoxville
for her Real Father,
for Grandaddy Bobby.

combing cobbled avenues
chatting up the local
toothless man
said we could find him in the park today.

my Grandaddy Bobby lived for the drink
and the stink of sloshy Knoxville streets.

The good times were good
because the bad times were so bad
and my Grandaddy Bobby always dug deep
into torn trouser pockets
to give a 12 year old me
all the change he had
All The change he had

holes in the seat of his pants
with no underwear underneath
a yanked-up sleeve
proudly presented
to his only granddaughter
his ice-pick stab wound:
a festering receipt
from Christmas decorated streets

Standing tall,
I last saw our man
spouting out roisterous ‘I love yous’
through purple cracked lips
on a choppy tarmac
After our last supper
outside KFC

my Grandfather explored
this way of life
I can neither condemn nor condone
an expression of experience through poem

and after all those years
it wasn't the boose
that knocked his bucket
but the blind throttle
of an un-parked semi
over his winter bed.


Sometimes I wonder
could there be
a possible actual
future world
in which
my mind
can move
this table

and what would
be the
metaphysical repercussions
of such
a mind
but solipsism of a kind
with the table
as merely a manifestation
of the mind

By Day
we are silver winged ferries giggling as we fly
By Night
we are archeologists
quarreling over unforgotten

Just as the wars bring us together
and others apart forever
the shadows give meaning
to the light
the noises
lets us know silence
Just as death has one
the breath
in the winter that follows summer
and summer follows spring
We have everything to lose
if we choose
and if we choose nothing
then there isn’t nothing
there’s just whatever
unconscious  matter
with other
unconscious matter
and life begins
and life ends
and everything in between
falls into the repetitive

“I Was Not Molested”

My paternal grandfather,
Robert C. Bauer
was a generous man.

He had PhD in Aeronautical engineering
a respected scientist
a childhood victim of polio
wheelchair bound
for his entire life.

He lived
less ten minutes away from my childhood home in Normandy, TN,
approximately two hundred yards from a noisy rail road track,
and less than two minutes away
from a de facto
trailer court

because I guess when you park a few trailers out in a field
and have a few kids and their trailers
you gotta court

where people seemed to breed constantly
and accept his

in exchange for their little girls
in his lap.

He worked
for the local airforce base
where my father worked
where my other grandfather worked
where they dump chemicals
into a nearby lake
where he designed aerodynamic missiles
for most of his career

He Married
my grandmother
when she was sixteen
he, 30’s

She produced three boys
and called it quits
on raising boys
before the age of 20

They divorced,
and she lived with women
for the rest of her life

He Died
a pennyless old man
with hepatitis from a shitty regional hospital
a convicted child molester
who had to give up his home
to his victims
and move to the next county;
yet unscathed.

My Mother and I
followed him Private eye style

he actually owned
a large blue van

As we followed him
on those windy little Tennessee backroads
we discovered
the van frequently drove the 15 miles
back to the trailer park

His Lawyer is nick named
Snortin’ Norton
because he did a lot of cocaine

His Judge
was debarred
and found guilty of accepting bribes
such as cocaine and prosititutes

Countless times

I Played
on those lifeless knees
I Played
house on the veranda
with 'Those' girls
I smelled. The saw
Of rotting innocence
Of spoiled me.

Because my mother
Told me
Only I touch me
(She was a forward thinking feminist, you see)

But it was too late

I already knew
I didn't know

I would have to give a statement to the police 
again and again:
"No, I
(his only granddaughter)
Was not molested."

I Was Not Molested.

I will wait for you
as the flower anticipates the dew
only my blossoms will never wither
and my hopes will not decay
with every passing day
I’ll look to the moon
and know thy name,
we sing it sweetly
and I.
So I say unto thee:

Love is the cup
not the tea

reel thy line
from that sea

for you need not bait
to find the key

and you need not hate
and you need not plea

for there is no ill fate
awaiting thee

to desperately pine
wastes precious chi

Love is the cup
not the tea.

“The Story of Cali”

Mother Earth burped
and the green mountains of Cali
sprung forth

but such beauty has disadvantages
and so a slew of evil wealthy peoples
the industry
of picture making
money raking
into the valley
after all
the natural wealth
had been mined long ago

but not so long from now
Mother Earth may burp again
and beautiful Cali
will not longer be
a land
of men and mountains
only sea.

"Lovers Past Part I"

R. (2003):
We never had a chance
and what little we had
we had to steal
from the death
of Tennessee’s
coke and ecstasy
and old Kind
in whose lap I should
have stayed
you, twenty and six
I, ten and eight
your legs
I was so ripe
I was bursting
We never had a chance
to just sit around and kiss
the drugs
stole our bliss.

C. (2004):

You thought I was someone else
You thought I would stay
under the gaze of those old worn
cloudy appalachian hills
with you
where our ancestors played
master and slave
I drove my white continental lincoln
through grassy narrow forested backroads
as Steve Miller and his band
as Stevie Wonder
played out homoerotic
storms and house fires
on our way to knoxville
that night
i took craig to bed
because you fucked his best friend
because he begged me
What we didn’t do
played out in the next few rounds
now we’re back around
and when I’m around
I still love
our love.


Fuck Fest 2004-5.
My dorm room
your parent’s garage
or just about anywhere else.
I never came
to the door dressed
I’m not really sure what it was
that had us so impressed
maybe it was your guitar
maybe it was because the glint
in your eyes was still there
and I just wanted to
your rolled cigarettes
my legs
around your face,
my offical fuck buddy

when I moved
away from chattanooga
I had to rip myself away
from your arms
and your dotson truck charm
let me go gently
over a year we fucked
we never even said
“I love you”
but you must have loved me
because I only remember your kindness
at the end
as I struggled in Colorado
to let you go.

Attila The Hun (2005):

So I was your First
American Woman
and I did nothing
you wanted me to
call you every two hours
visit you every two months
in Solvang (California)
in the summer
my cat hid in the closet
where our cigarette smoke couldn’t reach her
where you hid
your muslim flavored laments
came out to play
during our yelling arguments
over who I talked to
and why
couldn’t you just let me eat
your pussy
bloody or not, I was sure it would taste of

and local shiraz
couldn’t keep me
long enough to take me
to visit Turkey with you.
I’m sorry
you couldn’t find
that golden gem
inside me
Hopefully by now
you’ve found it
in yourself.

Three years we dated
long distance
long hours spent on the phone
my family loved you
probably because you’re very wealthy
I loved you
because you always
had a different perspective
a lesbian from Turkey
because I was your wild kuzucuk
you accused me
of cheating so many times
I finally just did it
I finally decided it would make no difference
this was what you thought
the end was harsh
I was ready to move on
you called me
50 times a day for a week.
I had to change my phone number
You had to go to therapy
your body stopped working
you told me
it was my fault
it was my fault
It was my fault
I took my crenulated shuck
I took the bait
and I minced
your heart into thousands of tainted bloody glass slivers
that squeaked like fingernails on old rigid chalkboards
as you tried to gather them
from all over the olive oil farm
all over that campy Danish town
you worked for
Welcome to America,
I hope you’ve found her,
a gentle
loving, patient, woman
I hope you’re well.

F. 2011-12

The first red and golden Aspen leaves
are falling gently to the Earth
shaken by a chilly gust
traversing across a not so distant mountain
Aspen stands accommodating
another incarnation
of the same wind
that winds up spring
winds down summer
into her soft slumber
our bodies
we push
into the same wind
that winds across
the generations
creating the friction
necessary of our own fruition
which will gently build and bloom
or lay dormant
For wind is never a bearer of tragedy,
only transformation
But the gales
swept us apart
 forever now
I will never be of
the source
of your simpering
 yet sensual
and we
we will never be
and I pray
I am not so redundant,
I should follow
the direction of time
and my own predilections
never overlapped yours
except in one space
that truly exquisite place
was too small
for so many polynomials
curving steep
only to dip so low
I live
to be in the gentle
shielded by the range.