Sunday, June 24, 2018

2018 Poems

Star Pine Tree, Santa Barbara

The Santa Barbara Poem for the Death of my Father: A Rough Villanelle

The fog horn is sounding
morning, morning, a star pine is calling
and white crest waves ever mounding

The side-shift drift of palm tree debris
and the remnants of a transient’s bed falling
frame a steel park bench amid leafy comfrey

It was the low clouding
upon a cliffside of ice plant petals recalling
and echoes of a street-side electric guitar sounding

It was the distal pounding
tidal recall of sea grains, sea-sawing;
my father’s heart un-founding

once spired high, now scree
cacophony, a murder of magpies flee
but for the cry of one magpie foundling

morning, morning, a star pine is calling
The fog horn is sounding.


in first hours, embers before outright flames;
watery umber, like bread crumbs they drop-
lets on a window tints my accumulation,

Loch: a silicon cupola
            of darkened
            liquid shadow
 once slid through my organs
 my veins:
 my toilet drinks their

 People tell me this color
 clashes with everything;
 the mere sight of it could make a grown person lose
 pressure, their own

 and at the rebirth of a cycle—
 it looks as lovely to me as a drop of oil
rouge spreading through the ivory blank

cream porcelain tendrils of goth vermillion
—I can only upvote with poetry or
                                                a flow unfettered by contraception
                                                conduced by 
                                                my homosexual agenda.

filtered by my liver
warm-pressed by hyperkinesis
of my uterus; I seep sanguine, I fruit seedless
Juice of
eons of shame, root of that
witch is the least regarded:

Searing orange forest fires have better reputations
            than soaked bleached rotten
cotton crammed
inside a flesh crevice
            than that hue of (a singular) passion,
a lightning streak
of clay brick, of wine;
a river too thick
to swash only swills,
descends thighs
thru water, I watch it curlcrawl
dying everything in its path,